Cât de greu este să devi părinte

Postat la 9:53 | Scris de Daniela

Am găsit un articol foarte bun care abordează diferite teme. De la conceperea unui copil, până la creşterea lui.

Câteva pasaje.

1. Making a Baby Isn’t as Easy as It Sounds

Some people are able to reproduce as easily as bunnies, but for others, that’s not always the case. Before I got pregnant, I naively thought that whenever I would want to have a child, my husband and I would just have sex every day for a month and bam, that would be it. The human body doesn’t really work that way.

So if you’re thinking of having a child someday and want to plan the pregnancy for a certain time period, consider giving yourself some extra time and try not to stress out about the whole thing. A great book on this subject is Taking Charge of Your Fertility. (It’s also awesome even if you’re not thinking of getting pregnant but just want to know more about the female body.)

2. The First Few Months Are Pure Torture

10 Things I Wish I Had Known Before Becoming a ParentI sometimes think babies’ cries are so grating, their sleep so erratic, and breastfeeding so painful just to harden up parents. If you can survive the first few months of Baby Boot Camp without losing your mind, you can survive anything—you’re like a superhero. Because, really, the first few months are hell if you enjoy sleeping, showering, and functioning well. Photo by Monkey Business Images (Shutterstock).

Others told me it was hard. But it’s impossible to truly convey just what it’s like to wake up at night every two hours for several months. Or try to calm a baby who’s screaming inconsolably. Or deal with your body now being three sizes bigger than it used to be (graciously, this happens to dads as well as moms). Or struggle with not feeling like yourself for not just months but maybe even years.

The other thing to know, though, is that as bad as it gets, you’ll get through it. (Just don’t be afraid to ask for help, especially if you suffer from post-partum depression.) There are blissful, amazing moments during that period too, and, after enough time passes, you might even think back wistfully on this period and even be crazy enough to go through that torture again.

10. You Will Never Be the Same

Parenting changes you. I expected this, but I didn’t expect just how radically it would. It’s not like you turn into your mom or dad overnight, but your values, perspective, and habits get realigned to one single creature: your child (or your children, if you have more than one).

It also means:

Your habits might change for the better. You’ll think more about the nutritional value of your food, driving safely, spending money more wisely, living longer, and exemplifying good ethics.
Poop will no longer be taboo (if it ever was). Oh, the poop stories you will be able to tell when you’re a parent.
Your relationship with your partner will change. You can’t really know until it happens whether it’s for better or worse, but parenting changes the other person too and how you look at him/her.
You may have to part with previous entertainment choices. (Play video games and watch TV? Sure, but now it’s Talking Tom and My Little Pony/Voltron.)
You will never take free time for granted again.
You might actually have more fun and become more creative. (Inventing dog costumes, drawing on the sidewalk, and trying new ways to make peas appealing weren’t on my to-do list before.)
You will likely experience a love and a bond that you never could’ve imagined.

Întregul articol se găseşte aici.

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2 Comentarii la Cât de greu este să devi părinte

  1. Catalinu
    March 11, 2013 at 1:05 pm (11 years ago)

    Eu sunt deja parinte, si stiu ca este destul de greu.

  2. Florin
    March 13, 2013 at 2:24 am (11 years ago)

    Eu nu stiu cum este dar o sa devin in curand.


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