Publicitate. Acum si pe Instagram!

Postat la 0:32 | Scris de Daniela

S-a terminat si cu Instagramul. Oamenii au venit cu o “noua idee” de a da drumul la publicitate intr-un mediu in care nostalgia era la ea acasa prin pozele si efectele pe care aplicatia le detine. Zic asta, pentru ca am vazut niste poze senzationale. O data cu aceasta “idee minunata” a celor de la Instagram, daca se va insista cu reclamele si vor aparea destul de des incat sa sapi pana gasesti ce a postat un prieten si vor baga poze de prost gust, se va termina si cu aceasta euforie. Pe de o parte sunt de inteles ca vor sa scoata bani de pe urma aplicatiei, pe de alta parte, eu zic ca le-ar ajunge Facebook.

Partea destul de proasta care cred ca o sa fie, este aceea ca vor aparea poze bomba facute cu apare profesioniste si bagat un efect sau poate chiar nimic. Astfel Instagram isi va pierde mult din esenta, deja si-a cam pierdut dar inca mai sunt sanse, daca oamenii vor face astfel de smecherii doar ca sa dea bine cu locatia/produsul respectiv.

Over the past three years we’ve watched with amazement as Instagram has grown to a global community of more than 150 million people capturing and sharing the world’s moments. Instagram is a place where people come to connect and be inspired, and our focus with every product we build is keeping it this way. We have big ideas for the future, and part of making them happen is building Instagram into a sustainable business. In the next couple months, you may begin seeing an occasional ad in your Instagram feed if you’re in the United States. Seeing photos and videos from brands you don’t follow will be new, so we’ll start slow. We’ll focus on delivering a small number of beautiful, high-quality photos and videos from a handful of brands that are already great members of the Instagram community. Our aim is to make any advertisements you see feel as natural to Instagram as the photos and videos many of you already enjoy from your favorite brands. After all, our team doesn’t just build Instagram, we use it each and every day. We want these ads to be enjoyable and creative in much the same way you see engaging, high-quality ads when you flip through your favorite magazine. We’ll also make sure you have control. If you see an ad you don’t like, you’ll be able to hide it and provide feedback about what didn’t feel right. We’re relying on your input to help us continually improve the Instagram experience. As always, you own your own photos and videos. The introduction of advertising won’t change this. Thanks for listening, and stay tuned for more details. We’re excited to continue building Instagram alongside this inspiring community.

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3 Comentarii la Publicitate. Acum si pe Instagram!

  1. Vice
    October 5, 2013 at 11:40 am (11 years ago)

    A devenit super utilizata si trebuie sa fac si ei un ban cu ea :)

  2. Laurențiu Trofoșilă
    October 6, 2013 at 4:49 pm (11 years ago)

    Doar nu credeai că au investit un miliard în Instagram ca să-l țină “pe uscat”.

  3. Ionut
    October 8, 2013 at 3:40 pm (11 years ago)

    Si eu sunt de părere că a durat cam mult pănă să facă și asta pe Instragram. Eu nu-l folosesc foarte des, dar era altceva…


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